Sharfuddin-Is This Another Ayatollah Borqei?

Tags: borqei,baltistan,pakistan,shigar,shia,sunni,islam,quran,reformer,hadith,imamate,mutta

Borqei of Pakistan

Agha ali sharfuddin Baltistani is the founder of Dar-us-Saqafa Al-Islamia Pakistan.

Agha sharfuddin spent 12 years in iraq and iran to get his religious education and after completion he returned to pakistan and established his renown institution Darul Saqafa Al islamia.
Agha Syed Ali Sharfuddin Al-Moosvi authored more than 65 books on various Islamic topics and issues.All his books are available in urdu language.

Ayatollah Baqir as Sadar and Ayatollah Sadeghi Tehrani were the distinguished teachers of Agha Syed Ali Sharfuddin al-Moosvi Baltistani.
Agha Syed Ali
Sharfuddin Al-Moosvi
Baltistani,Borqei of
Pakistan،authored a book "batiniyah wa ikhwatoha" to expose the conspiracies against islam since its birth.How they fabricated narrations and interpolated history of islam,all has been explained in this book.
If a person read ayatollah Borqei's book "barrasi elmi dar ahadith mehdi" and agha syed ali sharfuddin al-Moosvi's book"batiniya wa ikhwatah"topic mehdi and mehdivism then we can find out that both scholars have same view on this topic.
If you read ayatollah Borqei's book "tahreem e mutta dar islam" and agha syed ali sharfuddin al-Moosvi's book"mauzoat e mutanawiya(ijtehad,mutta,waseela)"then we can find out that both scholars have same thought on mutta that it is illegal-sex or zina.

Agha Syed Ali Sharfuddin Al-Moosvi Baltistani,Borqei of Pakistan،has produce through his institution Dar-as-Saqafa ,more than 200 books about imam hussain a.s and tradagy of Kerbala.
In 1988,when the Leader of Tehrik-e-Jafaria,Pakistan
Arif Hussaini was assasinated,agha Sharfuddin was also considered to be next leader of Tehrik e Jafria Pakistan.Arif Hussaini was a companion of agha syed ali Sharfuddin al-Moosvi Baltistani.But agha was a straigt forward and simple person so he refused to accept the post of new leader.
Agha Syed Ali
Sharfuddin Al-MoosviBaltistani,Borqei of Pakistan،wrote a very famous book "Ambiye-e-quran-Muhammad Mustafa(PBUH)" on life(seerah) of Holy Prophet Muhammad(PBUH).
Agha Syed Ali
Sharfuddin Al-
Moosvi Baltis
tani,Borqei of
Pakistan ،wrote a book"Wake up and defend the Holy Quran" where he reject all the sects and and request all Muslims to defend the Holy Quran and retaliate the conspiracies against it.He also shows his love and respect for the companions of prophet ,ansaar and muhajireen in this book.He also shows love and respect for Ahlul Bait a.s in the same book.He also says good about the caliphs abu Bakr, Umer and Usman alöngwith Ali a.s and imam hassan a.s.
Agha sharfuddin authored more than 12 books ön Quran and its teachings and searching in it.
Just like ayatollah Borqei agha Syed Ali Sharfuddin has following thoughts:
->Authentic Kalma is la ilah illallah,Muhammad Rasollullah.
->He rejects the concept of masom and mansos minallah as a quality for imam.
->He is against mutta ,and consider it as illegal sex(zina).
->He do not accept the narrations about the existance and arrival of imam mahdi.
->He reject the so-called taqiyya.
->He respect sahaba(companions) and azwaj(wives) of rasol pbuh and condemn the act of abusing and cursing.
->He is of the view that the period of Caliphte is the best era of a gornment in the world.
->He often praises the three caliphs in his books,especially hadhrat umar's justice.
->He is strictly agains shirk and grave worship and invoking anyone else Allah for help.
->He rejects the un-islamic customs in azadari like self beating,zanjeer zani....and worship of horse and flag/black standard.
->He is against the so-called waseela(intercession)
->He is against zabh li ghairullah and nazr ghairallah.
->He focus ön tauheed and sunnah.